Innovation World: Pocket-Sized Washing Machine

Friday 16 December 2016

Pocket-Sized Washing Machine

  • Scrubba works using the same principles as the old-fashion washboard
  • Waterproof bag ensures your hands don't get wet and has a 5L capacity
  • £41 bag weighs 180g and can provide a machine-quality wash in 5 minutes
Pocket-Sized Washing Machine

With Scrubba pocket sized washing machine, you can wash your clothes any where, any time in 30 seconds for free. Perfect for camping and travel trips. More information here

Scrubba wash bag features

With a Scrubba Wash Bag you can:
  • Wash clothes wherever and whenever you want
  • Effectively clean your clothes with the help of hundreds of internal Scrubba™ ‘nobules’
  • Pack fewer clothes and travel with a lighter backpack, bag or suitcase
  • Achieve a machine quality wash in 6 easy steps.
  • Alleviate the need to ineffectively wash clothes in dirty hotel sinks
  • Avoid excess airline baggage fees by packing fewer clothes
  • Save money and water when doing laundry while travelling. 
  • Lightest washing machine in the world weighing only 142g (~5oz.)
  • Pocket-size and small enough to take anywhere
  • User instructions printed on the outside of the bag
  • Transparent window to monitor washing and water levels
  • Grip backing on the outside to prevent sliding on surfaces while washing
  • Easy release air valve
  • Doubles as a dry-bag.
A new wash bag could transform the lives of campers, travellers, and festival goers - because it can wash clothes in just five minutes.
The invention may appear to be nothing more than an average canvas bag, but it has been proven to clean clothes to the same standard as a washing machine.
The £41 wash bag, dubbed the Scrubba, can easily wash T-shirts, socks, underwear, and even jeans while a user is away from home.
When three litres of water, liquid soap, and dirty washing are added to the bag, a user has to simply fold and fasten it closed, and rub it to clean the clothes inside.
The wash bag is made from a waterproof material and contains a flexible washboard which cleverly cleans away any dirt.
It was invented by Ash Newland when he was packing for a holiday in Africa and realised he only had room for a few changes of clothes.
He recommends using it for five to six minutes to achieve a machine-quality wash but it can be used for just 30 seconds for light loads.
Mr Newland, 34, from Melbourne, Australia, said: ‘I came up with concept for the Scrubba wash bag in the lead up to a six week trip to Africa.
‘My mate and I were both taking tents, sleeping bags, sleeping mats and cold weather gear, and we only had enough room in our packs for a couple of days worth of clothes.
‘This would mean doing laundry every day or couple of days in some really remote parts of Africa.
‘After a couple of weeks mulling over the problem, my mind was led to the concept of washboards.
‘I had the revelation that if we could incorporate a highly flexible washboard in a sealable waterproof bag, we could change the way people wash their clothes when traveling.
‘The Scrubba wash bag works using the same principles as the old fashion washboard, but with the advantage that you don't have to get your hands wet.
‘As clothes are rubbed along the washboard, the bumps create friction and water movement though the clothes, which assists in dislodging oils and dirt from the clothes.
‘The Scrubba wash bag weighs only 180g and folds to pocket-size, meaning it is suitable even for the lightest traveler, and the recommended capacity is around 5L.
‘You can easily wash up to three days of summer wear in one load such as three T-shirts, three pairs of socks and three pairs of pants in five to six minutes.’

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